Highlights: TensorFlow, Parsey McParseface, AnyPixel, Google Creative Lab, Project Tango, Google VR.

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TL;DR 028 — June 10th, 2016

SyntaxNet goes open source

SyntaxNet, the world’s most accurate parser, is now open source. It’s a neural network framework implemented in TensorFlow that provides a foundation for Natural Language Understanding systems. The release includes all the code needed to train new SyntaxNet models on your own data, as well as, Parsey McParseface, a parser already trained for you that you can use to analyze English text. Actually, it’s the most accurate model of it’s kind in the world. Visit the post for more information and the GitHub link.

Interactive displays controlled through the web

Make big, unusual, and interactive displays controlled through a web page using the newly open sourced library, AnyPixel dot J-S. The Google Creative Lab built it for a really cool interactive display made from six thousand light-up arcade buttons acting as interactive pixels. Check out the video and grab the code from the post.

Virtual cats and Project Tango

Project Tango has a new tutorial project that enables you to place virtual cats in your augmented reality environment. It’s got a simple interface, and well, cats. Lots and lots of cats. Check it out.

Daydream Labs

In Daydream Labs, the Google VR team is exploring the possibilities of Virtual Reality and sharing what they learn with the world. In this recent post, they describe one of their app experiments — a keyboard made out of tiny virtual drums that works really well.

Mobile Ads Garage

The Mobile Ads Garage is a new series that covers how to use the Mobile Ads SDK to display ads from AdMob and Doubleclick For Publishers. Check out the series and the newest episode now available with a detailed explanation of the interstitial ad lifecycle, how to load ads, and how to display at just the right time.

Ads and analytics for a mobile-first world

Every year, there are trillions of searches on Google and over half of those searches happen on mobile. And across the millions of websites using Google Analytics today, we’re seeing more than half of all web traffic now coming from smartphones and tablets. To help marketers succeed in this mobile-first world, we have redesigned AdWords, from the ground-up, and re-thought everything from creatives and bidding, to workflow and measurement. Check out the post for highlights of recent announcements and links to learn even more.