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TL;DR 114 — June 7th, 2018

Creating AR Experiences

A few weeks ago at Google I/O, we released a major update to ARCore, Google’s Augmented Reality development platform. We built some experiences to showcase how the new APIs come to life — including this totally fun multiplayer turret game that I played — and they are now open sourced. To see these experiences in action, get some insights from behind the scenes, and find links to the GitHub repos, head on over to the post.

New in Chrome 67

The latest “What’s new in Chrome” is out, highlighting everything new in Chrome 67. Check out the post and video to learn more about Desktop Progressive Web Apps, the generic sensor API, and BigInts.

Firebase privacy and security

As you may have heard, on May 25th, a new piece of European legislation came into force: the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. The Firebase team has been working hard over the past few months to help ensure that you have the resources you need to comply with these regulations, including new GDPR-friendly terms, a way to specify a Data Processing Officer — or EU Representative — in the Firebase console, as well as new docs and guides. Check out this post for screenshots and links to everything.

Data Studio Community Connectors

Data Studio is Google’s next gen business intelligence and data visualization platform, and Community Connectors for Data Studio let you build connectors to any internet-accessible data source using Google Apps Script, which means you can view data from many different sources in one convenient report. Check out the post for some more detail as well as a link to the new Community Connector Codelab so you can get started today.

New OAuth protections

As part of our constant efforts to improve Google’s OAuth application ecosystem, we are launching additional protections that can limit the spread of malicious applications. Apps requiring OAuth will be subject to a daily total new user cap and a new user acquisition rate limit, although these rates will initially be set to something close to your app’s current usage, so the impact for most of you should be pretty minimal. But for more details and a link to request a rate limit quota increase, head on over to the post.

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